Saturday, May 7, 2011

New desk + old things


I got a new desk recently, so I went through a bunch of old papers and things that had accumulated in my desk drawers. I came across a few forgotten things:

1. a journal with a very nice cover with some birch trees
2. an old postcard showing the Buddenbrookshaus. I found this in a library book when I was at the university.
3. glow-in-the-dark star stickers. I love the packaging.

It's nice to finally have a bigger desk surface. After the hard work of sorting through everything, I needed a snack and a cup of tea in my Marimekko cup. (I just noticed this picture also shows shows my Marimekko bag!)


  1. cute blog you have here :) I love stumbling upon things you have forgotten about, its like finding little presents

  2. I adore everything !
