Monday, June 27, 2011


I haven't been sleeping very well lately. And apparently I like to document my moods in sketches of myself. I've also gotten too lazy to use my scanner, so I just took a picture of my sketchbook. This was the last page in my old sketchbook, which I had become quite attached to, but it was given to me as a gift and I can't find another one like it. I'm not a huge fan of change, so it's taking me a while to get used to my new one.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Important Information

I have this little notebook within close reach at all times. Like I always do, I've given it a useful label: "ideas". It should be titled "important information" instead. It has little drawings (of birds, people, buttons, sewing patterns I'm looking for), random observations I've jotted down, newspaper clippings I've pasted inside, a Morse code cheat-sheet, humorous quotes, and addresses and phone numbers (some of which I don't recognize and even my old German cell phone number).

New glasses and A.P.C. sweatshirt that people love to mock.
It also includes a lot of lists. As I believe I've mentioned before (although maybe I haven't), I like to make lists. This notebook contains lists of books I'm planning on reading (I have a different notebook for books I've finished), typewriters I own and their ribbon sizes, favourite foods, and a useful list entitled "Things I Like". I also have several lists entitled "Favourite Songs". Every month or so, I create a new list of current favourite songs. My top two always remain the same, but I generally like to add another six songs (I like even numbers) that I can't stop listening to at the time.

Here's the list for June:
This Boy (Anthology I Version) - The Beatles
You're So Great - Blur
Livin' - Graham Coxon
Caramel - Blur
Here - Pavement
Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys
Green Fields - [The Good, the Bad, and the Queen - the name of the record, not the band]
High and Dry - Radiohead

(Again, my taste in music is rather obsessive.) I also have a list of my favourite parts of songs. But I'll save that for another time!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Walk, Don't Run

Walk, Don't Run is one of my favourite movies. It takes place in Tokyo in 1964, where there's a shortage of housing because of the Olympics. Three people end up sharing a small flat and various complications ensue.
It stars Cary Grant in his final screen appearance and, in addition to being quite funny, I love the decor of the apartment they share and mid-sixties styles are a perennial favourite. When I watch movies I tend to pay a lot of attention to the sets and the costumes of people in the backgrounds of the shots. And this one has a lot of quality stuff going on costume-wise: trench coats, plaids, peter pan collars, crewneck sweaters, boxy jackets, scalloped hems, bangs and topknots. Excellent!