Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Just a few photos from my trip to London. I had a really fantastic time. I was feeling a little guilty travelling all the way to Europe and not spending any time Berlin (the first time ever), but, to be honest, I'm glad I didn't try to squeeze both into the little over a week I had. I feel like whatever time I spend in London is never enough. There's just so much to see and do and eat and experience. But mostly I kind of just like visiting different areas and wandering around.

I did bring home an awful lot of tea and vegan sweets. Including a bag of peach flavoured gummy candies, which I tried to savour and only eat a couple a day, but I ended up finishing the bag in 3 days. Now I'm trying to hunt them down online.


  1. Did you visit the hockney-exposition? I'm thinking about crossing the channel to go visit it.

    * thanks for the compliment on my blog, i'm always flattered when people like the things i select, which is silly, but feels nice anyway *

  2. Where did you get those sweets? I could always hunt them down and send them to you :)

  3. i didn't get to see the hockney exhibit! i was super bummed, but the line was insane and i didn't plan my time very well! so i just sort of loitered around the building for a while. :) it did look pretty amazing though!

    and theodora, you are way too nice!! :) i actually found an online retailer here in the states, which i'm super excited about! you should see if you can find some if you like sweets though! they're called goody good stuff summer peaches. they totally remind me of these sweets i used to get on the way home from school that i've been pining for since i moved to the states! :)

  4. london is super nice!
    pity you didn't see hockney, but ofwourse there are millions of other things to do as well...

  5. lovely photos celine. if you tell me the shop you got the sweet I can try and find some if you like! :)

    1. oh gosh, thanks natalie! you're too nice! :) i found someplace that sells the sweets online and bought a bunch to stock up! :)
