1. I got my hair dyed at a salon instead of doing it by myself. For the first time ever! I only had the front done and it was a super dark navy blue, so it was pretty hard to tell, but it's lightening up.
2. I got this super cute little dog planter (and a mini mirrorball). His tail is in water and keeps the soil pack on his back wet. Genius! The clover is just starting to grow!
I went to see Simon Amstell and sat in the very front row! (Possibly because I got the time wrong on when the doors opened, so we were there early. Oops.) He was awesome and hilarious. You weren't supposed to take photos (and I observed this rule during the show, I promise!), but couldn't resist trying to sneak this on my phone.

4. I did a dj set in front of strangers for the very first time. It was super, super fun although I was incredibly nervous (which might explain the blurriness of this picture, which I took just when we were setting up and the nerves were just kicking in!).