The blurriest scan ever. Oops.
I don't really have much to say at the moment. I have some proper adult decisions that need to be made, which wouldn't be such a big deal if I wasn't pretty much the world's biggest eternal baby. Sometimes I just wish someone else could make all decisions for me. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be expected to function as an adult when I can't remember to wear my glasses at least three days a week. How does that even work? Apparently I don't notice when I can't see very well.
Wow. That sounds like a major downer. Sorry. Things are not all stressful though. I'm waiting eagerly for my CD/DVD and vinyl copies of Graham Coxon's new album, which should be here this week! I waited eagerly at my computer on Sunday for midnight to come in the UK so I could download it on itunes. Best thing ever! I've been listening to it obsessively since then. I even listen to it on repeat at work and by sneakily plugging my skype headset into my phone and hiding my phone under a stack of papers on my desk. The lengths I go to for my obsessions over music...I feel like my life would be so much better if the only decisions I had to make were which album to listen to at any given time. Although that can be pretty stressful as well.